Requirements: 4.0 and up
Overview: Holo styled twitter client for Android. Designed with better user experience. Very smooth and blazing fast timeline.
* Push notifications
* Multiple image upload and preview
* Long tap on tweet for conversation view
* TweetMarker sync
* Auto refresh feature with time period
* DashClock widget extension
* TweetLonger links auto expand in timeline and posting long tweets
* Saving tweet to drafts if sending failed and auto send when internet connection available
* Previews for image services and navigation betweet image with swipe left/right
Coming soon
* Pre ICS version
* Multi account support
* Tablet UI
What’s New
* Fixed crash when launch the app
* New google style pull to refresh
* Full Black theme for amoled screens.
* Now you can see replies for the tweet in tweet details screen
* You can add user to the list from user profile
* Minor bug fixes