ROm kitkat 4.4.4 1.3.7 AOSB Project – Run Over The Limit for Samsung Galaxy Note 3 LTE

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The Team
codexc AOSB chief and original founder
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What the features included?:
AOSB Project Features:
- New Port of MultiWindow and Exclusive Customization and Fixes and Improvement
- 949706abd7c50fbd702a50a8022aec7dd5a740db
- 6334e802e9108fb6faeee1ce879b0d56fb76cb14
- 8dadba3d5a8d0a47fed8a6a39490fdf2896ee0c0
- 3b46e7bf203a59b53364032b1172870952dabb36
- OTA Support
- Android-4.4.3 r1.1 KTU84L
- AOSB Feature: Custom SmoothProgressBar with v0.4 API
- AOSB Feature: Control and customize “Toast Animation”
- AOSB Recent App with HTC Style
- AOSB Power Saver Manager
- Battery Saver mode included what user do to saving the battery life
- PA PEEK Notification with wake timeout && configurable timeout
- Launch as Floating notification from anywhere
- New CM Theme Engine
- DSP Manager with built-in Boeffla Sound Control
- GPS Optimizer , modify gps conf your country
- Advanced Kernel tweaker and device performance control
- Slim Recent App Bar
- Pinned (lock) app in recent app list
- On-The-Go Mode
- Battery level around unlock ring
- Time-context headers in the notification header
- Wakelock Blocker
- MSIM Network/Devices Support
- Dialer: WhitePages/YellowPages reverse lookup provider
- Dialer: lookup/nearby places, Google and OpenStreetMap
- AOKP Navigation bar menu in settings support hardware keys devices
- AOKP Animation Control
- ListView Animation
- Keyboard Animation
- Scrolling Animation
- AOKP Custom Navigation Ring
- AOKP Custom Navigation Bar
- ChameleonOS Gesture Anywhere
- ChameleonOS Screen Recording
- ChameleonOS Screen Recorder: add ability to record audio from mic
- TeloRadio (Connection Manager)
- Omni Audio Themes Settings
- OmniSwitch App
- Omni allow disabling call end sound
- Omni Audio : Stereo widening and Center frequency for Bass Boost
- AOSPAL LockScreen Notifications
- AOSPAL Lockscreen Blur
- Slim CRT animation: add scale down
- Slim IME options
- Slim DarkUI (system wide in black)
- Music Tile
- Flip to Mute/Reject Call
- Advanced BatteryBar
- Chainfire SU App
- User selectable camera click sound (disable camera sound)
- Quicktile row option:set 3,4,5 tiles per row
- LTE toggle support and Configurable up to user (LTE or 4G)
- Add Wifi name to notification drawer and option to enable/disable
- Frameworks: notification drawer background
- wide support for chinese language
- wide support for dutch language
- MediaScanner behavior on boot
- HALO: make windows move able and scale able
- Mobile Network Battery Saver Mode
- Configurable up to user (LTE or 4G)
- Advanced Battery Bar
- FB sync abbility to connect facebook contacts into contacts app
- App sidebar
- IME switcher notification
- Navigation bar with custom dimensions
- Screen video recording
- Configurable init.d
- Build PropModder
- Incoming calls dialog
- RAM bar with custom colors
- Builtin Xposed Framework
- Xposed : Per-App Layout
- Network usage stats
- ChameleonOS Active display (s-view alternative)
- AD: Display Time out
- AD: Turn Off Display
- AD: Threshold to proximity
- AD: Sort notifications by newest to oldest
- AD: douple tab to sleep
- AD: limit notifications
- AD: display bypass, pocket and sunlight mods
- mms: iOS features
- mms: Emoji and Smiley support
- samsung kernel super charged
- Advanced low battery indicator options
- Custom Carrier Label
What is Android Open Source BAM Project?
it is a custom ROM developed as free and open source software based on the official releases of Android by CyanogenMod,
AOSB (ProBAM) ROM have been the pinnacle of perfection employing the best of all the Best ROMs in a Package which makes sense!.. While the latest one doesn’t incorporate a slew of features.
Whats new in CyanogenMod 11
On 6 November 2013 the CyanogenMod team started pushing the code of CyanogenMod 11, based on Android 4.4 KitKat .
Whats new in Android 4.4.3
Android 4.4.3 KitKat is mainly an update to ensure that the phones or tablets run smoothly and several bug fixes have been pushed to ensure that is the case.
Read More
Whats new in Android 4.4.2…4-1-and-4-4-2/
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Installation instructions so If installing for the first time:
To install this ROM you will need to have an unlocked boot loader and a custom Recovery such as TWRP or ClockWorkMod installed
- Copy the downloaded AOSB to your phone.
- update recovery, is required for install android kitkat
- Boot into your recovery
- Back up your ROM
- Enter recovery
- Make full wipe “included “system”
- Select Recommended kernel for first install
- Install the ROM
- install GAPPS package – download it from here
- Reboot – the first boot can take up to 2 minutes
- Recommended to Reboot again after ROM is up for the first time
- 2 second to up ! and 1 second to restart or shutdown ! it is AOSB
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Note: lasts release for AOSB with Android v4.4.2 is v1.3.3