ROM Samsung Galaxy Note 3 LTE N9005 Sweet ROM V22 GNH1 kitkat 4.4.2 New, Smooth, Sweet

- Samsung N9005XXUGNH1 4.4.2 Firmware release date Thu Aug 28 2014
- N3 AEL Kernel v7.9 thanks to @friedrich420
- Deodexed & zipaligned
- Pre-root rom
- SuperSU 2.02 (thanks @Chainfire)
- Busybox version 1.22.1
- init.d enabled without need for custom kernel (big thanks to @JustArchi)
- inti.d tweaks
- Build Prop tweaks
- light debloat
- 3Minit Battery Mod. Change battery images on the fly. (massive thanks to @gharrington for his hard work HERE)
- knox removed
- 4 way reboot
- S5 Boot Animation
- Nova Launcher
- S5 Launcher 6 x dock with 2 pullup apps (big thanks to ksr007 for his mod for Note 3)
- Added heaps of different themes (thanks to ksr007 for his themes thread)
- Full Screen photo & Call record thanks to @Dr Ketan
- Region lock removed (removed carrier locks)
- HD weather modified Accuweather widget thanks @brhoomy101
- S5 MMS
- S5 Keyboard
- S5 Calculator
- S5 SPlanner
- S5 SNote
- S5 SVoice
- S5 Video app & player
- S5 Browser
- S5 SNS
- Note 4 & Galaxy Alpha wallpapers added to modded SecWallpaperPicker.apk
- Polaris Office full
- My Data Manager – manage your data
- Nandroid Manager – restore apps from Nandroid backups
- Night Clock
- ES File Explorer
- Multi Window Apps Manager
- Xposed Framework (massive thanks to @rovo69 for xposed)
- Wanam Xposed (big thanks to @wanam for his app)
- Xposed S5 toggles & recent apps (big thanks @xperiacle for his mod)
- Xposed Blurred SystemUI (thanks to @serajr for his great mod)
- UPSM by @xperiacle. Please refer to his thread HEREfor activation instructions
- Droid Over Wifi – Wireless file transfer
- Google L Keyboard
- YouTube Downloader
- External SD Card r/w fix
- Screen mirroring fix (thanks to @sorg)
- added more csc regions and modified (thanks @_alexndr for csc base)
- Hidden CSC features enabled including;
Sub Symbols in stock keyboard
Sound menu in Camera
Enabled Camera during call
Show total call time
Enabled call button in Call log and contacts list
Extend speed dial to 100
Disable Message log in Call log
Removed screen capture sound
Enabled sms call back number
Enabled sms Folder View
Removed message recipient limit
Disabled sms to mms automatic conversion
Enabled Call and Message block in Settings
Enable save message
Enable register to calendar
SMS to MMS threshold increase to 999Enable message scheduling
Enabled extra toggles
Plus much more - EFS auto backed up during flas
- Sweet Settings enabled extra widgets
- There’s heaps more but I can’t remember it all right now
Mega link – HERE
AndroidFileHost link – HERE
md5 checksum – 9016E5666EAA349DC765D7B0413440D1
Please note I have only tested using Chenglu’s cwm recovery.
- Must be on 4.4.2 with 4.4.2 bootloader. PLEASE NOTE – You may have some issues with lockscreen. If so you will need to update bootloader & modem to GNG1 or newer.
- Download & place Sweet Rom V22 zip on internal or external SD Card
- Boot to cwm recovery
- Make a Nandroid backup of your current rom
- Wipe data / factory reset (highly recommended to avoid any issues)
- Flash Sweet ROM V22 GNH1
- Reboot & do a little dance while you’re waiting for it to boot
- Enjoy
- STOCK GNH1 KERNEL. Flash in cwm recovery – HERE
- MOD – REMOVE Quicklaunch apps from Notification panel – HERE
- All bugs fixed from V21 I figured out the issue and have removed it
- For my Toggle look in the images enable Blurred Systemui & Xposed S5 toggles & recent apps in Xposed framework under modules.
- How to setup and use Xposed Framework and Wanam Xposed on Sweet ROM. So many theming & modding options. Post 4 HERE
- BATTERY LIFE – I would advise at least run a few cycles before you start talking about it.
- This is build is for standard dpi. You are welcome to try 240, 214 etc but I don’t support these mods. Meaning I have no time to work on any fixes if you try to change dpi so please don’t ask. You can change DPI with Xposed apps. Search and you will find.
- I cooked this ROM for my own personal enjoyment and it works for me. *What works for me may not work for you. I merely put together what I like and use. If you don’t like it then please don’t flash it or even download it as it costs me personally for file hosting.